Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thing 8: Screencasting

Have you ever had to explain how to use a website or computer program to someone? And then to someone else? And then again? It can get frustrating, right? Especially if you can't be there in person to show them. That's where screencasting comes in handy. Screencasts are short videos where you record what's happening on your screen and narrate it using a microphone. I use screencasts to create quick website tutorials and guides--like this guide to the library website

I create my screencasts using Screenr; it works on Mac or PC, and there is nothing to download or install. Below is a quick screencast on how Screenr works.

Here's a screencast I made recently about how to save a Gale database article to Evernote:

To complete Thing 8:
  • Watch the screencasts posted above.
  • Go to and make a screencast of something. . . anything! It doesn't have to be long. You'll need to login to Screenr in order to publish your screencast; you can log in with your Google account
  • Once you've made a screencast, embed it on your blog (or post a link).
  • If you're so inspired, share some ideas for how you could use screencasting

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thing 7: Google

Google. We all use it everyday (at least I know I do). But there's much more to Google than the basic search box most people use. Below is a slideshow highlighting some Google tips and tricks that most people don't know about. Also below are two videos explaining how Google search work, and how it has evolved since it was first created.
Google Search Tips and Tricks

How does Google work:

How has Google search evolved?

For more examples of some of these search techniques, as well as other tips and tricks, check out these articles:
Test your Google skills: A Google a Day

To complete Thing 7:
  • Check out the slideshow and videos (and related links if you're so inspired)
  • Write a blog post about what tricks were new to you, what you already use, what you think could be useful for you or for students